IDS Ireland Domain Name Scam

We have been contacted by a number of our customers seeking advice after receiving an email from an entity calling itself IDS Ireland soliciting them to buy a domain associated with their brand. The mail suggests that someone has requested to register your brand name with a .eu or .com address and they are offering you a first registration option for these domains. Back in January many small businesses in Ireland received almost identical emails from what appears to be the same source but then calling itself DNS Ireland. The current website they are using is similar to the one they used back in January with slightly different branding and a different business address. Click on the link to read our January post,

While it’s possible that the services they offer allows you to register a domain, at the very least, these emails are dishonest and so let’s call them out for what they are, Scam Emails.
The email suggests that they have contacted you to give you “first registration option” as you are the owner of the .ie domain. As pointed out by legitimate domain registration company Blacknight, no such obligation exists. They refer to it as “nonsense and a transparent attempt to extort as much cash a possible from someone who may be unaware of the realities of domain name registration”. Another thing to note is that legitimate domain registration companies don’t ask for an upfront payment for a 10-year registration period, which in this case would cost you €199.50 plus VAT.
The email below is one we recevived here at regarding a legitimate domain that we own.

Our advice is to ignore this mail and do not click on any links associated with this type of mail as they simply can’t be trusted.
John Grennan –