
Pig Butchering Scams – What are they and how to avoid them

<strong>Pig Butchering Scams – What are they and how to avoid them</strong>

From business email compromises to romance scams, criminals are raking in billions by using one powerful tool: social engineering. They lure their victims into making mistakes that could cost them everything – whether it’s trusting someone they shouldn’t or sending their hard-earned money into a black hole. But just when we thought we’d seen it […]

The 12 Scams of Christmas

The 12 Scams of Christmas

It may be the season of goodwill and a time for giving but this Christmas we are asking you to be a bit of a Scrooge and don’t gift your finances or data to potential scammers. Here are some of the most common scams you are likely to experience across email, text message and phone calls.

How to Detect a Phishing Email

How to Detect a Phishing Email

With so much of your time being spent in your inbox, it’s not surprising that this is where cybercriminals are increasingly targeting their victims. Your email is “The Number One Threat Vector” and Phishing emails are proving highly successful for cyber-criminals. The content for this post is courtesy of our partners at VadeSecure. Here you will learn how to detect a phishing email after which you should take the test to see if you can detect a phishing email. To find out how you can protect your inbox, please visit our Managed Email Security page by clicking on the button below.

Invoice Redirect Fraud 2020

Invoice Redirect Fraud 2020

It was reported by RTE, that Gardai in Waterford are investigating after it was discovered that a company was conned out of €65,000 while in the process of buying a machine to be used in the manufacturing of PPE.