Google are now marking HTTP sites as “Not Secure”

Google are now marking HTTP sites as “Not Secure” At the start of July Google released the Chrome 68 update and since then they have been marking all HTTP sites as ‘not secure’.Google has been giving gentle nudges to users for a number of years to encourage them encrypt their sites with HTTPS starting in […]
Email is the Number One Threat Vector

The greatest threat to your organisation is sitting in the inboxes of your employees. Email is still the number one threat vector and a major weak link in your IT security. The truth of the matter is that many of us have become complacent and just want to get through the many emails that clog […]
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Explained
When you hear the phrase “Disaster Recover” your are probably thinking of inhospitable environments or locations that suffer from extreme weather events. Did you know that most “Disaster” events occur from system failures, human error or cyber-attack? Your data is your most valuable assets and the loss of data can have a detrimental effect on […]
Meltdown and Spectre

What is Meltdown and Spectre We’re only at the start of 2018 and already we have two security risks to contend with. Meltdown and Spectre are two security vulnerabilities discovered in modern microprocessor chips that may allow attackers to exploit the chips common features and puts your personal data, including passwords, at risk. People are […]
Do you know where that USB device came from
STOP!! – Do you know where that USB stick or memory card came from? Was it delivered in the post? Did you simply find it on the ground and thought “What better way to establish who owns it than to plug it into my computer and see the owner’s details are on it”. Did you […]
Don’t ignore the elephant in the room
By now I’m sure you’ve heard of the impending apocalypse known as GDPR. Or at least that’s what some advisors would have you believe. In truth, a lot of it is interpretation. How much you change your business to achieve some semblance of compliance depends entirely on your unique set of circumstances. The important thing […]
BadRabbit Ransomware
Writing about ransomware is starting to feel like a full-time job and unfortunately only days after my latest ransomware piece, I find it necessary to warn you, once again about the latest threat. BadRabbit ransomware attacks started on October 24th and are currently ongoing. At the time of writing, attacks have so far taken place […]
Cyber Security – Top Tips
It seems that there is a new cybersecurity threat emerging, every other day with ransomware and other phishing scams being the most prevalent. In that past I have written in detail about ransomware and the steps you should take to minimise your likelihood of attack. I recommend reading my piece “Ransomware – The complete survival […]
Keep your Passwords Secure

We all have a multitude of passwords for a multitude of logins to a multitude of websites. What most don’t do, however, is make each and every password unique, strong, and random (series of letters and numbers that don’t relate to anything). While it’s very easy for me to tell you that every login password […]
CEO Fraud Scam

Over the last few weeks, we have seen a significant increase in reports of companies being targeted by a particular type of email scam that has been doing the rounds for a couple of years now. CEO Fraud is a scam in which cybercriminals spoof company email accounts and impersonate executives to try and fool an […]