
70% of Enterprise Ransomware Victims Pay Up

70% of Enterprise Ransomware Victims Pay Up

The world most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data. So what happens when this most valuable of assets is compromised or stolen? Would you pay to get it back or prevent its release to the wilds of the internet? Recent data suggests that 70% of enterprise ransomware attacks result in the criminals successfully eliciting payment from their victims.

Invoice Redirect Fraud 2020

Invoice Redirect Fraud 2020

It was reported by RTE, that Gardai in Waterford are investigating after it was discovered that a company was conned out of €65,000 while in the process of buying a machine to be used in the manufacturing of PPE.

Five Tips to Avoid Phishing Attacks

Practically everyone has heard of or read about phishing emails and the reason we all know about them is that they just won’t go away. As far back as 2010, we were warning our clients about these malicious emails

IDS Ireland Domain Name Scam

We have been contacted by a number of our customers seeking advice after receiving an email from an entity calling itself IDS Ireland soliciting them to buy a domain associated with their brand. The mail suggests that someone has requested to register your brand name with a .eu or .com address and they are offering you a first registration option for these domains. Back in January, many small businesses in Ireland received almost identical emails from what appears to be the same source but then calling itself DNS Ireland. The current website they are using is similar to the one they used back in January, with slightly different branding and a different business address.

Don’t be tricked this Halloween. October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Halloween is the one night of the year when ghosts and ghouls freely roam the streets, however in this brave new online world that we all inhabit scary stuff isn’t limited to a single day. Disguised as cyber threats, digital ghosts and ghouls are ever-present, waiting […]

Clicking on links accounts for 99% of all of email attacks

Clicking on links accounts for 99% of all of email attacks

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Sextortion Email Scam

Sextortion Email Scam

Sextortion email scams have been around for quite some time and every now and then a new wave will target the inboxes of unsuspecting victims. This once again appears to be the case and we have noticed an increase in requests for advice on how to handle this.

Beware of the latest Phishing Scam that Targets Your Google Calendar

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin No matter where you go online, you can expect the scammers to be waiting to try and take advantage of you. Most of us are used to seeing scams pop up in our inboxes on a daily basis. By now you know the drill, if in […]