
SOCIAL ENGINEERING: A Guide to Understanding the Attacks and How to Mitigate the Risks

SOCIAL ENGINEERING: A Guide to Understanding the Attacks and How to Mitigate the Risks

Introduction The landscape of cybersecurity threats is continually evolving and has largely transcended the traditional methods of hacking and virus distribution. Today, social engineering attacks have emerged as one of the most insidious and effective means of attack, relying on manipulation and psychology instead of technical expertise. Modern IT systems are difficult to infiltrate from […]

Pig Butchering Scams – What are they and how to avoid them

<strong>Pig Butchering Scams – What are they and how to avoid them</strong>

From business email compromises to romance scams, criminals are raking in billions by using one powerful tool: social engineering. They lure their victims into making mistakes that could cost them everything – whether it’s trusting someone they shouldn’t or sending their hard-earned money into a black hole. But just when we thought we’d seen it […]

Five Tips to Avoid Phishing Attacks

Practically everyone has heard of or read about phishing emails and the reason we all know about them is that they just won’t go away. As far back as 2010, we were warning our clients about these malicious emails

CEO Fraud Scam

CEO Fraud Scam

Over the last few weeks, we have seen a significant increase in reports of companies being targeted by a particular type of email scam that has been doing the rounds for a couple of years now. CEO Fraud is a scam in which cybercriminals spoof company email accounts and impersonate executives to try and fool an […]