
Ransomware – Do You Trust Your Inbox?

Ransomware – Do You Trust Your Inbox?

Email is the No.1 threat vector and most cyber-attacks including ransomware occur because of an action carried out by the recipient of an email. So, do you trust your inbox? The following tips are designed to help you investigate an email and avoid falling victim to a ransomware or other cyber-attack.

Five Tips to Avoid Phishing Attacks

Practically everyone has heard of or read about phishing emails and the reason we all know about them is that they just won’t go away. As far back as 2010, we were warning our clients about these malicious emails

Email is the Number One Threat Vector

Email is the Number One Threat Vector

The greatest threat to your organisation is sitting in the inboxes of your employees. Email is still the number one threat vector and a major weak link in your IT security. The truth of the matter is that many of us have become complacent and just want to get through the many emails that clog […]

Cybercrime Part 3 – Fighting the Attack

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Are you ready for GDPR?

Are you ready for GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR“) will come into effect on 25 May 2018 replacing the existing data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive. It has been described as the most ground-breaking piece of EU legislation in the digital era. The aim of GDPR is to make businesses more accountable in data privacy […]